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STCW Advanced Oil Tanker

€1,200 EUR

Course Type:
Tanker (Oil, LNG, LPG)
Training School:
Ħal Far Industrial Estate, Birżebbuġa, Malta
7 days

Learning Objectives

  • To reach the minimum standards of competence as set by S.L 234.17
  • To meet standard in table A-V/1-1-2 under STCW Code

Expected Learning outcomes

Knowledge, understanding and proficiency in:

  • Oil tanker design, systems and equipment
  • Pump theory and characteristic, including types of cargo pumps and their safe operation
  • Tanker safety culture and implementation of safety management systems
  • Monitoring and safety systems, including emergency shutdown
  • Loading, unloading, care and handling of cargo
  • Effect of bulk liquid cargoes on trim, stability and structural integrity
  • Oil and cargo related operations
  • Development and application of cargo related operation plans, procedures and checklists
  • Calibration and use of monitoring and gas detection systems, instruments and equipment
  • Managing and supervising personnel with cargo related responsibilities
  • Physical and chemical properties of oil cargoes
  • Precautions to prevent hazards
  • Hazard and control measures associated with oil tanker cargo operations
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Responding to emergencies oil tanker emergency procedures
  • Actions to be taken following collision, grounding or spillage
  • Medical first aid procedures on board oil tankers
  • Precautions to prevent oil pollution
  • Monitoring and controlling compliance with legislative requirements

Entry Requirements

- Any person who intends to have immediate responsibility for loading, unloading care in transit, handling of cargo, tank cleaning or other cargo related operations on oil tankers.

- Have met the requirements for certification in basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations;

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MaritimeMT, HHF041A
Ħal Far Industrial Estate, Birżebbuġa
BBG 3000

Tel: (+356) 021239170
Email: send message

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