1725 | Tank Ship Dangerous Liquids (Simulator)
$2,000 USD
- Course Type:
- Tanker (Oil, LNG, LPG)
- Training School:
- Maritime Institute
- Location:
- Norfolk, Virginia, United States of America
- Duration:
- 10 days
- Language:
- English
Any applicant who successfully completed the Tank Ship Dangerous Liquids (Simulator) (MIDATL-503) course will satisfy:
the training requirements of 46 CFR 13.201(c)(4) for an endorsement as Tankerman-PIC DL and 13.201(c)(4) for an endorsement as Tankerman-PIC (Barge) DL;
the requirements of 46 CFR 13.603(a)(2), 46 CFR 13.603(b)(2), 46 CFR 13.603(c)(2) and STCW Code Table A-V/1-1-2 for an STCW endorsement for Advanced Oil Tanker Cargo Operations; and
the requirements of 46 CFR 13.605(a)(2), 46 CFR 13.605(b)(2), 46 CFR 13.605(c)(2) and STCW Code Table A-V/1-1-3 for an STCW endorsement for Advanced Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations; and
two loadings and two discharges which may be applied toward satisfying the requirements of 46 CFR 13.121(b); and
one commencement of loading and one completion of loading which may be applied toward satisfying the requirements in 46 CFR 13.121(b); and
one commencement of discharge and one completion of discharge which may be applied toward satisfying the requirements in 46 CFR 13.121(b); and
satisfy the training requirements of 46 CFR 13.120(a)(2) for renewal of a merchant mariner credential endorsed as Tankerman PIC Dangerous Liquids.
NOTE: The course will also satisfy training requirements for endorsements as Tankerman-Assistant DL, Tankerman-Engineer DL, and Basic Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations.
The objective of this Tankship Dangerous Liquids (Simulator) course is to provide students with the mandatory minimum requirements for the training and qualifications of masters, officers and ratings on oil and chemical tankers and in doing so, satisfy company, national, and international regulations for candidates for certification as Tankerman-PIC DL as follows:
Table A-V/1-1-2 & 3, Specification of minimum standard of competence in advanced training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations.
Ability to safely perform and monitor all cargo operations
Knowledge, understanding, and proficiency
Design and characteristics of an oil/chemical tanker
• Knowledge of oil/chemical tanker design, systems and equipment, including:
general arrangement and construction
pumping arrangement and equipment
tank arrangement, pipeline system and tank venting arrangement
gauging systems and alarms
cargo heating systems
tank cleaning, gas-freeing and inerting systems
ballast system
cargo area venting and accommodation ventilation
slop arrangements
vapor recovery systems
cargo-related electrical and electronic control system
environmental protection equipment, including Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment (ODME)
tank coating
tank temperature and pressure control systems
fire-fighting systems
Knowledge of pump theory and characteristics, including types of cargo pumps and their safe operation
Proficiency in tanker safety culture and implementation of safety-management system
Knowledge and understanding of monitoring and safety systems, including the emergency shutdown
Loading, unloading, care and handling of cargo
Ability to perform cargo measurements and calculations
Knowledge of the effect of bulk liquid cargoes on trim, stability and structural integrity
Knowledge and understanding of oil cargo-related operations, including:
loading and unloading plans
ballasting and deballasting
tank cleaning operations
ship-to-ship transfers
load on top
crude oil washing
Development and application of cargo-related operation plans, procedures and checklists
Ability to calibrate and use monitoring and gas-detection systems, instruments and equipment
Ability to manage and supervise personnel with cargo-related responsibilities
Familiarity with physical and chemical properties of oil/chemical cargoes
Knowledge, understanding, and proficiency
Knowledge and understanding of the physical and chemical properties of oil cargoes
Understanding the information contained in a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Take precautions to prevent hazards
Knowledge, understanding, and proficiency
Knowledge and understanding of the hazards and control measures associated with oil/chemical tanker cargo operations, including:
flammability and explosion
health hazards
inert gas composition
electrostatic hazards
Knowledge and understanding of dangers of non-compliance with relevant rules/regulations
Apply occupational health and safety precautions
Knowledge, understanding, and proficiency
Knowledge and understanding of safe working practices, including risk assessment and personal shipboard safety relevant to oil/chemical tankers:
precautions to be taken when entering enclosed spaces, including correct use of different types of breathing apparatus
precautions to be taken before and during repair and maintenance work
precautions for hot and cold work
precautions for electrical safety
use of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Respond to emergencies
Knowledge, understanding, and proficiency
Knowledge and understanding of oil/chemical tanker emergency procedures, including:
ship emergency response plans
cargo operations emergency shutdown
actions to be taken in the event of failure of systems or services essential to cargo
fire-fighting on oil/chemical tankers
enclosed space rescue
use of a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Actions to be taken following collision, grounding, or spillage
Knowledge of medical first aid procedures on board oil/chemical tankers
Take precautions to prevent pollution of the environment
Knowledge, understanding, and proficiency
Understanding of procedures to prevent pollution of the atmosphere and the environment
Monitor and control compliance with legislative requirements
Knowledge, understanding, and proficiency
Knowledge and understanding of relevant provisions of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), as amended, and other relevant IMO instruments, industry guidelines and port regulations as commonly applied.
Upcoming Course Dates:
Call for class availability.
Maritime Institute
5301 Robin Hood Road
Suite 100
United States of America