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1733 | Proficiency in Survival Craft Refresher

$550 USD

Course Type:
Updated Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats (other than Fast Rescue Boats)
Training School:
Maritime Institute
Norfolk, Virginia, United States of America
1 day


Any applicant who has successfully completed the Proficiency in Survival Craft Refresher (MIDATL-749) course will satisfy the competency requirements of Table A-VI/2-1 of the STCW 2010, as amended, for Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats (PSC), for those seafarers not having evidence of 1 year of sea service within the last 5 years provided that the applicant has previously been issued a Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats endorsement, and will satisfy the professional examination and practical demonstrated requirements of 46 CFR 12.407(b)(3) for endorsements for Lifeboatman and PSC.

The objective of this course is to renew the certification for student in the areas relevant to Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats, and, in doing so, satisfy company, national and international regulations and assessment guidelines as stated in Standards of Training Certification and Watchkeeping as amended section A-VI/2. This syllabus covers the requirements of the STCW Code Section A-VI/2 Mandatory minimum requirements for the issue of certificates of proficiency in survival craft, rescue boats, and fast rescue boats and Table A-VI/2-1 Specification of the minimum standard of competence in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats


Take charge of a survival craft or rescue boat during and after launch

Knowledge, understanding, and proficiency

  • Construction and outfit of survival craft and rescue boats and individual items of their equipment
  • Particular characteristics and facilities of survival craft and rescue boats
  • Various types of device used for launching survival craft and rescue boats
  • Methods of launching survival craft into a rough sea
  • Methods of recovering survival craft
  • Action to be taken after leaving the ship
  • Methods of launching and recovering rescue boats in a rough sea
  • Dangers associated with use of on-load release devices
  • Knowledge of maintenance procedures


Operate a survival craft engine

Knowledge, understanding, and proficiency

Methods of starting and operating a survival craft engine and its accessories together with the use of the fire extinguisher provided


Manage survivors and survival craft after abandoning ship

Knowledge, understanding, and proficiency

  • Handling survival craft in rough weather
  • Use of painter, sea-anchor and all other equipment
  • Apportionment of food and water in survival craft
  • Action taken to maximize detectability and location of survival craft
  • Method of helicopter rescue
  • Effects of hypothermia and its prevention; use of protective covers and garments, including immersion suits and thermal protective aids
  • Use of rescue boats and motor lifeboats for marshalling liferafts and rescue of survivors and persons in the sea
  • Beaching survival craft


Use locating devices, including communication and signaling apparatus and pyrotechnics

Knowledge, understanding, and proficiency

  • Radio life-saving appliances carried in survival craft, including satellite EPIRBs and SARTs
  • Pyrotechnic distress signals


Apply first aid to survivors

Knowledge, understanding, and proficiency

  • Use of the first-aid kit and resuscitation techniques
  • Management of injured persons, including control of bleeding and shock

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Maritime Institute

5301 Robin Hood Road
Suite 100
United States of America

Tel: (+1) 07576933150
Email: send message

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