1710 | Personal Safety and Social Responsibility
$100 USD
- Course Type:
- Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities
- Training School:
- Maritime Institute
- Location:
- Norfolk, Virginia, United States of America
- Duration:
- half-day
- Language:
- English
Any applicant who successful completes the Personal Safety & Social Responsibilities (MIDATL-359) course will satisfy the Personal Safety & Social Responsibilities competency and training requirements of Section A-VI/1 and Table A-VI/1-4 of the STCW Code, as amended 2010, and 46 CFR 11.302(a)(4) and 12.602(a)(4); AND have performed all practical demonstrations as guided by the applicable section within the Basic Training NVIC 08-14.
Applicants are not required to present completed record of assessment sheets when applying for the STCW endorsement.
This course is designed to prepare new recruits for a life at sea. Working on a ship can be hazardous occupation for the uninitiated. This course will give new seafarers an insight into the various elements of a ship and working procedures on board so that they may adjust to the shipboard environment, and are better prepared to cope with any unforeseen circumstances. To that extent, this course is planned to make their transition from a shore to a sea career smooth and give some knowledge of ship’s operations and practices before they actually step on board a ship.
The Course covers the following main competencies of the function, Specification of minimum standard of competence in personal safety and social responsibility:
- Safe working practices
- Communication skills and the understanding of orders in relation to shipboard duties
- Contribution to human relationships on board ship
- Compliance with emergency procedures
- Marine environmental awareness and pollution prevention
- Contributing to effective communications on board ship
- Understanding and taking necessary actions to control fatigue
Upcoming Course Dates:
Call For Class Availability.
Maritime Institute
5301 Robin Hood Road
Suite 100
United States of America