Captain for 7 day Bali 4.5 Charter Olbia Sardinia

Deck Jobs
Olbia Marina
Start date:
June 21, 2025
Job posted:
March 4, 2025
This job advert has been checked and approved by Yacrew.

We are looking for a dynamic captain to join two adults and 3 children (2 x 11 and 1 x 15) for a 7 day catamaran charter off the coast of Olbia Sardinia from June 21 Olibia Marina (noon) to June 27th at 6pm back at Olbia Marina.. We'd like a captain that enjoys sailing and finding those special anchorages that have little or no other yachts even in June in Sardinia. I will help as much as I can, having sailed around the world on a Catana 50. The other adult has little sailing experience. We want this to be a fun week for us and for you. We will pay reasonable travel from European city, plus meals and other expenses to make the week enjoyable. Euro 1,400 for the 7 days paid upon arrival in Olbia marina.